Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Something about the Year of the Earth Rat Forecast...

I got this from one of my officemates...

Year of the Earth Rat Forecast


zod rat

The Rat-born feels lucky because 2008 is their year. It signals new beginnings and opportunities both in life, career, and love relationships. For some, there is the urge to move to a new place to seek greener pastures. Goals this time will be easy to achieve as the Rat is more determined to succeed. In love, the Rat will meet a new love prospect, and relationship that started this year has a high chance of lasting for a very long time. For married Rats, having a baby is auspicious.


zod ox

Your hardwork during the previous years pays off during the year of the Rat. Even if you don’t look for it, luck will track you down. It’s just a matter of choosing the right opportunity that will present itself to you. Some will enjoy a career boost from their bosses or moving to another company with tons of benefits. For those who incurred loans the past year, this is a nice year to settle your financial obligations.


zod tiger

The year of the Rat opposes the luck of the Tiger-born. If last year is smooth-sailing for you, you will find yourself with unforeseen problems this year. However, if you keep focused and always have a back-up plan, then nothing can stop you from getting your goal. Also, you need to get along with the flow of events. Resisting change can spell disaster for you. In love, there’s always a room for improvement.


zod rabbit

The Rabbit is in harmony with the Rat year but there is a need for cautiousness. Though generally a lucky year, you need effort to make luck possible. Investing money may also be tempting but watch out for unwise decisions. If in doubt, seek the opinion of elders or your mentor. Being in contact with people full of negative energy can also be detrimental for the Rabbit and this can affect health.


zod dragon

You are fiery and this sits well with the Rat year. You can make things happen even if you will it. It is a nice idea to begin a new phase in your life like a new job, getting married, living independently, and the likes. You are full of charm and single Dragon will find themselves swamped with admirers.


zod snake

This is your love year. A new love prospect is likely by the middle of the year. If you and your partner survive a difficult first half, marriage is likely by the second half of the year. Your career will be have good luck as well as you get support from someone older than you. Financial luck can come when you least expected it so this is the year for you to concentrate on what you can do and put worries away.


zod horse

The horse-born will find this year a bit hard and unpromising. It is best for the horse to stick with the tried and tested formula that he applied in his life the past year. Even if there’s room for improvement, venturing into the unknown is not advisable. However, studying is favored this year. Add another diploma to your belt. Patience is called for this year.


zod goat

The Goat has a lot of nice surprises and celebrations in store this year. Rewards from the past year’s efforts will be given this year. Financial stability is not a far-fetch idea. On the other hand, you must not be too trusting even to friends. Being used is possible so be careful. Love relationship will be more passionate and intense than usual. Having a baby is possible.


zod monkey

Stop clowning around this year and be serious in life. However, the year of the Rat is favorable for the monkey-born and he will find support from family and friends. There’s a need to be more responsible in career and life in general. And always be sensible. Being emotional can cost you a lot of wrong decisions. Love life takes a backseat this year. You need to focus more on life-long plans.


zod rooster

Always put your best foot forward and you’re on your way to a lucky and prosperous year. But be warned because being too successful can make you forget your good manners. Finances will be stable. Make sure that you invest your money or save it in the bank for future use. For some Rooster-born, buying a new house or condo is possible. Social life will also take off to new heights and single Roosters will meet a love partner.


zod dog

Just be patient and your loyalty will be rewarded. You’ve had a hard year last year but everything’s looking rosy now. However, avoid breaking your back while working too hard. Take some time off this year to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Treat yourself to some travel and shopping. In love, your sweetheart can be too clingy. Your domestic life needs some changes.


zod pig

Think prosperity and it will be yours. The pig’s luck moves uphill this year. You have to be more aggressive though so that you’ll reach your goals ahead of time. Family and friends will show support if you need them. In love, getting married is possible. Relocation is not advisable this year but you can buy a property, and maybe just rent it o

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