Friday, November 30, 2007

Something about Episode 41 of Grey's Anatomy...

During the 2nd season of Grey’s Anatomy, Izzie fell in love with one of her patients - Denny Duquette - who is suffering from a heart condition. In order to get a heart for Denny, Izzie cuts his LVAD wire to worsen his condition but Lizzie made sure, that Dr, Burke (Head of Cardiothoracics) will be able to save him. Denny did get the heart and proposes to Izzie, but he also died afterwards. Because of this Izzie admitted that she was the one who cut the LVAD wire and left the internship program.

Excerpt from Grey’s Anatomy (Season 3, Episode Title: Oh, The Guilt, Episode No:41)

Izzie: I have 8 million dollars.
Chief: So I’ve heard.
Izzie: I can do anything I want.
Chief: Just about.
Izzie: And all I wanna do is a running whip stitch,
Chief: My first year as an intern I had a stable cardiac patient who blew out his lung while I was transporting to CT and I called in a code, but by the time they got there he was dead. If I had put a chest tube in right away--
Izzie: You made a mistake.
Chief: But I stayed and I worked and I learned. I never made that mistake again. If I had quit, all I would have had was that life that I lost instead I get to save lives. Everyday I get to save lives.

If we fail and then stop trying, there is a possibility where we will be remembered as someone who (please insert failure/mistake/error) and be disappointed all of our life. But if we moved on and learn from the oversight we made, we will have the chance to succeed, be happy and we might even save lives (by helping others by not making the same mistakes we did).

So the moral of the story: Learn from the mistakes we made and move on

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